Choose JOY!!
With Love and Gratitude,
Choose JOY!!
With Love and Gratitude,
With Love and Gratitude,
flickr: Sandwich
You CHOOSE in every moment
who you are and who you want to be
be yourself
there’s nothing more right than you
swim deep my friend
the water is perfect
Blessings for joy and miracles in the coming year,
May Peace prevail.
With Love and Gratitude,
With Love and Gratitude,
With Love and Gratitude,
Be yourself, love yourself, stretch yourself.
Let the magic and miracles begin.
With Love and Gratitude,
You know exactly what to do, where to go, how you feel and what matters most
don’t let the illusion of confusion and doubt obscure your view
Make a map to find your way
leave breadcrumbs and mile markers, sign posts and inside jokes
see the magic and miracles on the road less traveled
follow the signs on the path revealing yourself to yourself
welcome home dear one welcome home
Have a delicious week gorgeous people.
With Love and Gratitude,
Oh and while you are doing that, come skinny dip with us in the sea of infinite possibilities.
Beyond fun.
With Love & Gratitude,
Hope Abrams
Break the rules
forgive quickly
kiss slowly
love truly
laugh uncontrollably
receive willingly
feel deeply
celebrate regularly
dance passionately
and never regret
anything that made you smile
With Love and Gratitude,
"Kind & Generous" by Natalie Merchant
You've been so kind and generous
I don't know how you keep on giving
For your kindness I'm in debt to you
For your selflessness, my admiration
And for everything you've done
You know I'm bound...
I'm bound to thank you for it
You've been so kind and generous
I don't know how you keep on giving
For your kindness I'm in debt to you
And I never could have come this far without you
So for everything you've done
You know I'm bound...
I'm bound to thank you for it
I want to thank you
For so many gifts
You gave with love and tenderness
I want to thank you
I want to thank you
For your generosity
The love and the honesty
That you gave me
I want to thank you
Show my gratitude
My love and my respect for you
I want to thank you
I want to...
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Let this be the year when you know without a shadow of a doubt that you are beautiful enough. special enough. sexy, playful, and fun enough. You've worked enough. You've cried enough. You've been grateful, generous, and kind enough. You can have it all. Dream. Dream Bigger. Bolder. Beyond your wildest dreams!
This is your year. Happy Happy Joy Joy.
With Love and Gratitude,
Love, love, love
joy, joy, joy
thank you, thank you, thank you
thank you
and repeat
easy peasy
With Love and Gratitude,
Mathew Foster
So much more awaits you dear ones. There'll come a day when you look back at where you've been and where you are now and call these your "warm up years." (
With Love and Gratitude,
Joanne Tolkoff
Be you now. 100% true blue you.
Anything else is imitation.
And imitation is boring.
And boring is boring.
I'd rather be freaky, off the wall and bizzarro than boring.
It's so much more fun.
With Love and Gratitude,
Stephen Chamberlain
Can you remember who you were before the world told you who you should be?
YOU choose every moment of every day who you are, what you believe and what matters most.
And, you get a second chance, EVERY SECOND.
With Love and Gratitude,
All of the moments in your life have come together
to create this spectacular moment
Stop and pay attention
What matters most right now?
Be yourself
Love with abandon
Count your blessings
It doesn't get better than that.
With Love and Gratitude,